Tag: video game

Underworld The Eternal War – 60 Second Retro Gamer Episode 65

It seems that most developers just can’t get licensed tie-in games right. Such is the case with Underworld The Eternal War. Only released on the PS2 and not made available in the US, we can say with honesty that you’re not missing much at all. Aside from the incredibly linear gameplay, textures are poor and …

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Start The Party – 60 Second Gamer Visual Podcast 03

Back in 2012 we captured gameplay for a Playstation Move game called Start The Party. This was originally intended to be a normal 60 second review with a podcast on the side. Then the project fell by the wayside and both the footage and podcast lay dormant on Simon’s computer for three years. Then in …

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Wayne’s World – 60 Second Retro Gamer Ep54

I’ve always been a fan of the Wayne’s World movies. They’re infinitely quotable, have a surreal undercurrent in the same style as Airplane and they feature some rather good musicians. I should never be surprised at finding out that another popular licence has received a video game tie-in, but seriously – how does Wayne’s World …

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60 Second Retro Gamer – Episode 51 – Lassie (PS2)

A podcast is also available at www.randomstoat.com or through iTunes. Blast know no limits when it comes to acquiring licences for well known franchises (see some of our other videos for more – and what’s worse is there’s a lot more we’ve yet to cover), so it should come as no surprise that in 2007 …

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60 Second Gamer – Episode 47 – Quantum of Solace (PS3/Xbox 360/PC)

Version reviewed is the PS3/Xbox 360/PC edition of the game. There are variations of the title with different features (and different developers) for PS2, Wii and the DS which we may review at a later date. I’ll admit right from the start that I’ve not played this one yet, so my witterings below are based …

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60 Second Retro Gamer – Episode 47 – Chu Chu Rocket

Thought I might start sharing our YouTube videos on here seeing as I tend to link to the audio projects. So here’s the first episode via WordPress, Chu Chu Rocket for the Dreamcast. There are, obviously, a lot more videos on our YouTube channel so please take a look if you like this one. You …

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Super Mario Kart

Another quiet couple of weeks, but we’ve been hard at work on various projects (more news soon). Until then, here’s the first of about 10 60SG updates – a retro review of Super Mario Kart.


It’s been a quiet couple of weeks (holidays over Easter and a bit of a cold), but what better what to celebrate the middle of the month than with THREE reviews? Check out the videos for reviews of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, Bioshock and Bioshock 2.

Bioshock 2

It’s been a quiet couple of weeks (holidays over Easter and a bit of a cold), but what better what to celebrate the middle of the month than with THREE reviews? Check out the videos for reviews of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, Bioshock and Bioshock 2.

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune

It’s been a quiet couple of weeks (holidays over Easter and a bit of a cold), but what better what to celebrate the middle of the month than with THREE reviews? Check out the videos for reviews of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, Bioshock and Bioshock 2.