Tag: video game

Brutal Legend

A new month and two new videos to go along with it. Reviews of Heavy Rain and Brutal Legend for your viewing pleasure. Podcasts also available for both videos.

Heavy Rain

A new month and two new videos to go along with it. Reviews of Heavy Rain and Brutal Legend for your viewing pleasure. Podcasts also available for both videos.

Wii Sports Resort

And another episode of 60 Second Gamer rolls around. Today, we look at Wii Sports Resort. Enjoy, and don’t forget the podcast!


Another week, another 60 Second Gamer episode. We cover Thunderbirds on the PS2 this time. It’s hideous, it really is…


Two updates in as many days? Madness! Review of FIFA 10 now available for all to view. And a free podcast as well.

Assassin’s Creed 2: Sequence 13 DLC

An update to our earlier review of Assassins Creed 2, featuring Sequence 13 of the game, finally plugging the holes in the original story. Shouldn’t these have really been included from the start? Either way, we review the extra content in this video.

Forza Motorsport 3

Another new 60 Second Gamer, and just for a change we have a look at an Xbox 360 exclusive – Forza Motorsport 3 for your viewing pleasure. All the other reviews can be found at www.youtube.com/randomstoat or you can go to the projects page and watch every review in a big playlist.

World Cup Italia 90

Another new 60 Second Retro Gamer, this week it’s World Cup Italia 90 on the Megadrive. Yeah, we went there. RARGH!

Sonic The Hedgehog

The first 60 Second Retro Gamer available – it’s Sonic The Hedgehog to get us started. Take note of the great expense spared with the modified intro sequence…

Batman: Arkham Asylum

Another new episode of 60 Second Gamer, this time it’s Batman Arkham Asylum. Podcast and video links are below.