The Iron Man Wrestling Podcast – Episode 24

Welcome to the Iron Man Wrestling Podcast. Old Man Joey has been deleted this week (curse you, Brother Nero!). so The Fallen Angel and The Real Deal are left to entertain you for the hour.

1. News

There’s loads in the news this week. What did we talk about? Go ahead and download the podcast to find out!

2. NXT and Cruiserweight Classic roundup

The Real Deal runs through this week’s episodes of NXT and the final quarter final match in the Cruiserweight Classic.

3. Intercontinental Title Tournament

Remember this? We haven’t covered this tournament since episode 8 which we released back in May. If you need to catch up, go and listen to where we got up to, then come back for this. Done? Good.

4. Main Event Jobber: Hulk Hogan vs Triple H (Backlash 2002)

It wasn’t a great main event, let’s be honest. It’s much worse with almost 15 years of hindsight.

5. Top Five… Matt Hardy matches

The Real Deal runs through what he considers to be the five best Matt Hardy matches on the WWE Network. Do you have a favourite Matt Hardy match?

6. Fatally Flawed Way – Tag Teams

This week, Fallen Angel has to work out who would win in a match between Mosh/Thrasher; one of Los Conquistadors; one of the Body Donnas, and one of the Mean Street Posse.

7. Botch To Broadway: Backlash 2004

We wrap up the show with a review of the Backlash PPV from 2004. Was it a botch, or does it go the distance?

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