Tag: Xbox 360

Naughty Bear (PS3) review – 60 Second Gamer Episode 10

On paper Naughty Bear is a good idea. A cuddly toy bear, spurned by the other bears around him, goes on a kill crazy rampage to teach them a lesson. The reality is somewhat less impressive. I know – sad faces all round. Your role is of course to kill everybody before they can either …

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Netflix Launches in the UK

I’m a subscriber to Lovefilm, and I rather like the postal service they offer – I’m currently on the highest package, receiving 4 discs at a time and a mixture of TV, movies and video games. I’ve tried their streaming service before (only films included in the package I’m on, naturally – £2.49 or £3.49 …

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Forza Motorsport 3

Another new 60 Second Gamer, and just for a change we have a look at an Xbox 360 exclusive – Forza Motorsport 3 for your viewing pleasure. All the other reviews can be found at www.youtube.com/randomstoat or you can go to the projects page and watch every review in a big playlist.

Batman: Arkham Asylum

Another new episode of 60 Second Gamer, this time it’s Batman Arkham Asylum. Podcast and video links are below.

Assassin’s Creed 2

This is episode 2 of 60 Second Gamer, a review of Assassin’s Creed 2. If that’s what you are looking for then you’re in the right place! The video is below and links for the podcast are at the end of the post. You can also read the podcast transcript beneath the video, or download …

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WWE Smackdown VS Raw 2010

Episode 1 of 60 Second Gamer, where we review WWE Smackdown VS Raw 2010. The video is available below and through our YouTube Channel. The podcast link is at the end of the post, along with subscription links for iTunes and the RSS feed. You can also find us on your podcatcher of choice. We’re quite …

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