The Iron Man Show – Episode 19

Welcome to the UK wrestling fan’s survival guide, a look at professional wrestling across the years. The Real Deal Simon Prior, The Fallen Angel and Old Man Joey are your hosts, and this week they discuss:

1. News – Return of Shelton Benjamin and MVP

Apparently some old favourites are rumoured or due to return to the WWE soon.

2. Ring of Honor/TNA Impact/ Global Force

We briefly talk about some of the rival shows out there, and quickly realise that they’re not very good.

3. Overrated or Underrated: Matt Hardy

Spinning off from the TNA Impact chat, is Matt Hardy overrated or underrated?

4. Five Best… Sean Waltman matches

The Fallen Angel looks at Sean Waltman’s best matches on the WWE Network.

5. Fatally Flawed Way #2 – Undertaker’s Wrestlemania Opponents

This week, the Fatally Flawed Way match asks us to work out who would win in a match between Giant Gonzalez, King Kong Bundy (circa 1995), Mark Henry and Sycho Sid. A classic for the ages.

6. Botch To Broadway – WWF Invasion 2001

When WCW came to the big boy’s yard. The Invasion storyline didn’t work out as well as it could have done had there been some bigger WCW names involved, but it could also have been much, much worse.

7. Why WCW Sucked: Part 6 – Nitro Girls

Yep. Nuff said. Pandering to the demographic in a way that damaged the brand.

8. Tag Team Turmoil: New Age Outlaws

Bearing in mind The Real Deal used to be a fan of Billy Gunn (the man in search of a gimmick that would stick), this doesn’t turn out how you might expect.

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