Tag: tony the absorber

Taking it one movie a day at a time…

I’ve set myself a bit of a challenge this year, and I hadn’t even planned it (some might argue these are the best challenges to set yourself). Rather inadvertently, as of this moment I’ve managed to watch 47 films in 2012 alone – that’s just short of one movie per day, and does not as …

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January – Progress!

As this will probably be my last blog of the month, I thought it might be best to recap what’s gone on in the last 4 weeks and the progress that Random Stoat has made. Compared to previous years we’ve had a pretty good month, all told. The main project throughout January has been a …

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Getting the ball rolling

It’s been a while coming, but we finally got back to making 60 Second Gamer last night, hence no blog update. We have about 25 reviews waiting to be edited together, most of which are waiting for intro sketches. Sadly with the dark evenings throughout winter it makes life a bit more difficult when it …

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Writing in January – Trent Samuels and other projects

For some people January is the month where they pull out the exercise gear or decide that these cold, dark winter months is exactly the right time to stalk the roads of Britain wearing shorts and an ever so slightly reflective jacket that an oncoming vehicle will only see mere seconds before running you into …

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Trent Samuels Festive Special 2011 – the writing process

Believe it or not, here’s the new blog as promised! My big project at the moment is this year’s Festive Special for our Trent Samuels audio series. I did a similar project this time last year and, despite the fact the episode wasn’t released until February 2011 due to a LOT of snow interrupting the …

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Yeah, it’s been a while…

Blimey, has it really been 12 months since the last post on this blog? Best get my act together and make an effort going into 2012… I’ll be aiming for at least 1 update a week, probably on a Friday evening, from this Friday onwards. Let’s see how I do with that, although I’ve now …

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