Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3: Rebel Strike – 60SRG Episode 66

This week’s blast from the past is Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3 on the Gamecube. Rebel Strike was released at the tail end of 2003 in the middle of the console’s run, and proved to be another solid entry in the world of Star Wars video games. Solid, but not spectacular.

Some may have appreciated the on-foot sections, but sadly we’re not in that camp. It feels painful to play and is very much like a science fiction edition of Driver 3 as you jump out of your X-Wing and attack Stormtroopers. We’re not entirely convinced they work. The player handling is  Thankfully though the ship combat is still as robust as ever, and the Gamecube’s solid 60Hz output mode gives everything a distinct movie quality.

The story weaves in and out of the original trilogy, taking in such fan favourites as the Battle of Hoth and Endor, while exploring a few new systems along the way. The Hoth and Endor stuff might be overplayed these days, but back then it was still a genuine delight to take part in these battles. And, going back to play it again, still provide good entertainment despite the obligatory on-foot moments.

Quite coincidentally, this episode is number 66 of the original 60SG run. For those who aren’t aware (or don’t care that much), Order 66 is quite an important part of the Star Wars lore. With any luck this episode won’t suffer the same fate as the Jedi Order.

The podcast can be streamed below the video, and there’s a download link for you too if you want to take it away on your travels.

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